After breakfast everyone heads out to the garden . Lilli feels having the direct connection to the earth that She and Lotus should be able find her. Lilli snd lotus take their shoes off so that their feet are on the earth. Aisling and Maureen join with Uktena and the girls. Making a circle in an area that they know an underground stream is they join hands and close their eyes. They feel their spirit sinking into the earth flowing along with the underground stream. Thinking of Morrigan they feel the flow going east north east across the ocean. They hit pure earth and as if hitting a mountainous area. Hitting a barrier that they cannot get past they break the connection and their spirits are back within themselves.
"She is not in Japan but east northeast of it across the water." Lilli turns to Daisy knowing she has a map already up on her laptop.
Daisy looks with the satellite mapping app.