Finding Morrigan 2

After pouring over the books in the office they still have no idea of what prophecy that the two spirits have spoken of. Uktena is anxiously waiting for the chance to go to the temple to try to find his mate. 

Shiro sensed Uktena's anxiety over Morrigan and aproached him. 

"You may go to the temple anytime you wish I will open the doorway and stay in the garden till you return. That way if you need me I can be there faster.,Or I can just go with you." Shiro smiles at the elder as he turns to go to the garden. Uktena follows him. 

"I know I can shimmer there at any time. I just worry that going there by that means will alert who has her. 

I think using the doorway is safer for her. I just didn't want any of the women to come. They will stand out more even if they use a glamour spell. I'm afraid that none of them have learned the art of hiding in plain sight. They always seem to attract stares no matter what disquise they use." Uktena tells Shiro.