A peak into the past 2

Lilli and Daisy are awakened by Uzil calling their names. Lili opens her eyes to see him inside of a basic mud and wood house. They are inside what seems to be a shrine room. There is a small table with a Buddha figure and offerings. Lilli hears an animal grunting below them. She looks at Uzil in confusion. 

"Papa Uzil why are you here?" Lilli asks. 

"I was asked to come with you. To help you in your task. Here are some clothes that the father sent you. He said there is something you need to find to help in defeating the Guardian. I do not know what it is but I'm sure Daisy will know when she figures out what she needs to know." Uzil hands them the clothing and goes to stand outside the door. The women change quickly and go out to meet him. They look around the small house. On the ground floor are pens for the animals while the living quarters are on the upper level. Looking over at the small cooking area Daisy sighs.