A peak into the past 3

"How is it possible that she is identical to Morrigan is she her child?" Chen asks. 

"No actually a few generations away from her own child. There are actually four of her descend that could pass for her. All of them with her skills and all living in the same time. It can be daunting at times when they gang up on you." Uzil tells Chen. 

"The other one is she Morrigan's as well?" Chen asks. 

"yep they both are from Morrigan and Uktena's blood line. It gets quite confusing at times. Just know that I I am on the right side in the future. I'm not in this time but there will come a time when I come back. We even come to this place and meet your fox friend. We are looking for clues to a prophecy that a few of the guardian's followers keep talking about. It involves them . I have never heard of one until Izeal was defeated. " Uzil tells Chen. 

"What Izeal gets defeated, he is one of the guardian's most powerful ally." Chen says in disbelief.