He wanted me dead

So, now the real Jin is Jin and Yun Yiming is Yun Yiming, I hope it's not confusing.

"Let's go and tell the truth, shall we?" Jin asks, Yun Yiming blushes, "About us?" 

Jin chuckles hearing him, "Hmm, about us yes but also everything, what say?" Jin questions back, Yun Yiming bites his lower lip, embarrassed and he nods his head.

"Will they accept us?" Yun Yiming asks, "Don't be in a hurry… let's first enlighten them with the truth." Jin says, dragging Yun Yiming with him, Yun Yiming nods his head.

Jin opens the door, surprised to see everyone standing just outside the door, "Jin…" Yoo Na mumbles, tearing up even more while Yeong Jae pats her back.

Jin suddenly felt guilty for ignoring her when she had been trying to embrace his presence and warmth, oh how he wished to hear her call him Jin again, with the loving gaze she has now.