Losing once wasn't enough

"So what should we do now?" Yoo Na speaks, breaking the silence.

Jin gulps, not being able to face others, especially Do Wan, "Jin." Do Wan calls, Jin looks up at Do Wan and then looks away, "Do you hate us?" Do Wan asks, Jin gasps and snaps his head up, shaking his head no.

"No…why would I…" Jin mutters, gulping while Do Wan tears up, "What about Ma?" Do Wan asks, his lips trembling as he thinks of the worst, Jin blinks his eyes, "I have no idea." Jin mutters.

"So… can we please keep our identity a secret?" Jin asks, eyeing Yun Yiming and then back at the rest, "We ought to." Yeong Jae says, side-hugging Do Wan as he breaks down.

"I can't believe they…" Do Wan whispers, "Wan, it's not out… all we can do is be suspicious of them?" Joo Hyeok says, feeling betrayed as he himself was in disbelief knowing his best friend turned out to be someone he never thought of.