Nothing Left To Return To

"I'm not going back!" She said those words with so much conviction in her voice.

Eros: "..."

Eros was taken aback once more.

'What the hell is she thinking?' He looked at her with utter disbelief.

"What do you mean you are not going back? Are you crazy? Others want to have a second chance to live but you are… Argh." Eros tugged his hair in annoyance. He couldn't figure out this woman.

"Do you want to waste this opportunity?" He asked her exasperatedly.

Selene lowered her gaze, her fists clenched at her sides.

"I… I can't… I don't want to," Her voice slightly trembled.

Eros frowned when he sensed the changes in her mood. Just a while ago, she was bubbly. And now, suddenly she turned gloomy.

Eros sighed deeply. He reminded himself that he needed to be patient with her and convince her to return. He had to fulfill the deal between Azrael and him.

"Think of your family you left in there. Don't you want to see them again?"

The tears she was trying to hold fell from the corner of her eyes upon hearing that.

'Oh Dam-,' Eros paused and gently hit his mouth.

'Oh yeah, I am not supposed to curse. But why is she crying now?" Eros didn't know what to do.

He moved closer, flying around her. He was contemplating whether to touch her or not. He was annoyed by her and at the same time, he wanted to comfort her.

Cupids didn't want to see the person with whom they were bound to make the contract crying.

"What's wrong?" He asked her softly.

"I don't have family left. My parents died in a car crash when I was in grade school. My grandmother died during my college year. All I have left… was him. But… I also lost him."

Selene's Family and Renz's Family were close friends. Since they were young, the family already betrothed them to each other. It was the promise between their grandparents. They would unite the two families through marriage.

Renz was 5 years older than her. The day she was born, she was meant to become Renz's wife. Growing up, her parents and grandparents instilled that in her mind.

With the influence of her parents and grandparents, in her young mind, Selene had conditioned herself that she would become Renz's wife in the future. She tried her best to become closer to him.

Eventually, they became childhood friends. Her attraction for Renz got stronger as time went by. For her, he was her first love and last love.

However, Renz didn't feel the same way. Because of their childhood bond, Renz only considered her as a sister. He didn't feel any romantic feelings towards her.

But he was respecting the decision of his grandparents that he had to marry Selene once they reached the right age for marriage. He was fulfilling the promise made by his grandparents to Selene's grandparents.

The moment the tragedy happened, Renz and his family became her support when her parents died. Renz's parents became her second parents who were always there for her, treating her as their own daughter.

And when she's in her last year of college, Renz and Selene were supposed to marry each other but her grandmother died because of illness.

She was diagnosed having stage 4 breast cancer. It was too late for her to have treatment. Her grandma's body gave up.

It was too painful for her to lose another family member. Her grandmother was the only family she had left but even her grandmother passed away, leaving her alone.

In those difficult times of her life, Renz and her best friend Micaela were there comforting her. She was grateful for them as she managed to cope up slowly because of their presence and encouragement.

But who would have thought that the time she was mourning for her grandmother's death was also the time Renz and Micaela got closer to each other and eventually fell in love?

She was left in the dark for five years. The two started dating and seeing each other behind her back.

And just one day before the kidnapping incident happened, Renz talked to her and confessed his relationship with Micaela. He asked her to help him break the engagement.

She could still vividly remember those words coming from Renz that broke her heart into tiny pieces.

{ "Selene, I'm sorry. I can't marry you. I only see you as my sister. I love someone else. Micaela... She's the woman… I truly love." }

{ "Please let me go. Let's call off the engagement. Help me explain this to my parents and grandparents. Please, Selene. If you truly love me then allow me to be happy with the woman I love." }

'What a shameless jerk! A bastard!' Eros thought to himself as he learned those things. She told him everything… the reason why she didn't want to come back.

After hearing her story, Eros couldn't help but empathize with her. A boiling fury swelled inside him. He unknowingly clenched his fists angrily.

"Now, can you blame me if I don't want to go back anymore? I have nothing left to return to. Besides, it's better like this. This is the only way I can fulfill his request."

Eros raised his eyebrow when he heard that. He felt like hitting this woman's head. He couldn't believe that even in her death, she was still thinking of fulfilling his request.

"A Stupid Martyr," Eros mumbled as he facepalmed.

"Me being dead will now allow him to be with the woman he loves. He doesn't need to convince his parents and grandparents to call off the engagement." Selene said.

Her soft lips stretched into a smile but didn't quite reach her brown eyes. He could see that her eyes were lit with sadness.

Eros fell silent, looking at her intently. He balled his little hands into fists so hard that his nails cut into his skin. He only had one goal in mind right now.

'I won't allow that. You will go back and live your life for yourself, not for that jerk. I must convince her to return... no matter what. I should do this mission well. As her cupid, I should make her happy.'