Second Chance

'I won't allow that. You will go back and live your life for yourself, not for that jerk. I must convince her to return... no matter what. I should do this mission well. As her cupid, I should make her happy.' Eros took note in his mind.

"Selene, go back. I will help you win his heart," Eros declared to her.

Selene glanced at him with eyes wide open, eyebrows raised, and mouth gape. A stunned expression was written all over her face.

"How will you do that? And why will you do that?" Selene asked him in disbelief after she recovered from the shock.

"I have my way. Besides, I told you already that I am a cupid, an angel of love, did you forget?" Eros said to her with overbearing confidence.

"Cupid? Angel of love?"

Eros bobbed his head frantically to confirm it.

Selene stared at him for a few seconds before bursting into a peal of laughter.

Eros looked at her with confusion. "Why are you laughing?"

"Where's your bow and arrow, Cupid?" She asked him with a taunting smile on her lovely face. The sadness in her eyes a while ago was now replaced by amusement and fascination.

A deep frown appeared on his adorable youthful face upon hearing that.

"Hey, Are you thinking that I am using a bow and an arrow to hit the people's hearts and viola, the love will bloom in their hearts and fall in love in an instant?" He uttered exasperatedly.

"Yes, Indeed! I am thinking about that. Why? Am I wrong?"

Eros buried his face in his hands once more after receiving her reply.

"It doesn't work like that. That's what humans think and believe about cupids but we are not doing that."

"So how does it work then? I didn't expect that cupid really does exist in our world. I thought it was just a myth that is transferred from one generation to another. And we always associate Cupid as a symbol of love during Valentine's Day. I think no one has seen a cupid before." Selene spoke spontaneously, feeling intrigued.

"Okay. Let me explain everything to you." Eros flew in front of Selene.

She sat down on the ground as her full attention was focused on Eros. She was interested to know more about cupids, the angels of love.

"Angels, just like cupids, do exist in the human world. We have tasks to fulfill that's why we are sent into the human world. But ordinary humans can't see us with their naked eyes." Eros started to explain some details to her.

"But we can show ourselves to a human with whom we are bound to make a contract. But only a few chosen ones can avail of our service. Only the mother angel of love can choose the right person who deserves our help."

"So don't ask me about the criteria… because I don't know. Only the mother angel knows," Eros added.

Selene giggled because she was planning to ask him that but as if Eros had read her mind so he informed her ahead that he had no idea about the criteria.

"The contract will last at a minimum of one month and a maximum of three months. It depends on the performance and teamwork of both the cupid and the human contractee."

"In that span, we should accomplish the mission of helping our contractee win his or her love. But we are not doing magic here like what you are thinking of shooting arrows so that the person will fall in love in an instant." Eros rolled his eyes as he said the last sentence.

"It's like I am the love guru and our contractee will receive a series of advice from me and he or she will be the one to execute the plan. That's why I said it depends on the performance and teamwork of a cupid and a human contractee."

Selene raised her hand as she wanted to ask him something.

"What will happen after they succeed in winning the heart of the target person of the contractee?"

Eros smirked at her. "That's a good question. If they succeed then that's the end of the contract between the cupid and the human. Then the human will forget about the cupid."

"Every moment she spent together with the cupid will be erased in her memory. The existence of the cupid will be forgotten once again."

"Oh, by the way, it is written in the contract that the human is not allowed to tell others about the existence of the cupid. Once the human breaks that rule the contract will automatically become void."

Selene was taken aback after hearing that. Now it made sense why there's no living testimony that cupid exists.

"By the way, will you not be sad about that? You work together for one to three months. But after that, you will just be forgotten. Isn't it unfair for you?"

Eros chuckled at her last remarks. "I won't be sad. In the first place, it's our duty. We are just doing our job and there's no string attached. Cupids like me will become happy once we accomplish our mission and our contractee finally gets her love."

Selene nodded her head. She understood what he meant by that. But another question crossed her mind.

"One more question."

"Sure, just ask me anything," Eros promptly said.

"Have you ever failed a mission before?" She asked him expectantly. Her eyes were glowing with curiosity.

Eros burst out laughing again because of that question.

"No. Never. You are very lucky that I am the one assigned to you because I am the most capable cupid in our realm. I have never failed a mission before so trust me, I can help you win his heart after a month or two. You just need to listen to me," Eros reassured her.

After saying that, Eros looked straight into her eyes.

"So Selene, don't waste this second chance. Go back... live your life again. And I promise I will help you get the love that you desire. Just sign a contract with me." Eros softly said to her with his pleading eyes.

He couldn't explain why but he was so determined and had this strong desire to help her.

After her long silence, Selene finally spoke up to give him an answer. Eros thought she would agree already but Selene demanded him one more thing.

"Give me another valid reason why I should go back."

Eros had no choice but to tell her a piece of very sensitive information she was not supposed to know. He approached her and whispered something to her.

Selene's expression changed instantly after hearing that. A look of utter disbelief and anger flickered through her eyes.

"Are you telling the truth?" Selene asked him with a stern voice.

Eros bobbed his head. "Yes, that's the truth. An angel will not lie to you."

Selene had conflicting thoughts moments ago. However, after hearing the revelation from Eros, all her hesitation to go back suddenly disappeared.

"Okay. I changed my mind. I agree with you. I will return to take back what belongs to me… to protect what is dear to me…"