Start Getting Intimate With Him

Azrael continued relaying information to Eros as he was wondering why names were disappearing from the book of death.

"Hey, Eros, do you think this phenomenon has something to do with Selene's incident? You know, many strange things have been happening in the Netherworld right now since that day."

Eros glanced at Azrael with complicated emotions on his face. He was contemplating whether he would admit his sin to Azrael or not.

If he feigned ignorance, it would look like he was the one who stabbed Azrael in the back. He was the traitor between them, not Azrael.

He even reacted negatively a while ago just thinking Azrael betrayed him and lied to him. So he knew what Azrael would feel once he learned the truth from others.

With his guilty conscience, Eros had decided to tell Azrael the truth. He didn't want this incident to be the cause of conflict between them.