Prenup Photoshoot in Oceaniz City

The day for Selene's and Renz's prenup photoshoot had finally come. They were now on their way to Oceaniz City together with Grandma Elysa and Eros.

After saving Samantha, Eros had started his duty as Grandma Elysa's private nurse, Gabriel. He was now staying at Anderson Family Mansion.

Renz fetched them early this morning. He was the one driving the car. Eros sat in the front passenger seat while Grandma Elysa and Selene were sitting in the back passenger seat.

Grandma Elysa's face glowed with happiness and excitement. She was looking forward to this trip. She was glad that she would be spending more time with Selene at the beach resort.

Renz already booked their accommodation at Oceana Safe Haven Resort. It was the top resort in Oceaniz City. The head photographer and his staff were already there setting up everything they needed.

They roamed around the beach resort, searching for the best spot where they could take photos of Selene and Renz.