104: Ticket of Gold

Donald cautiously went to the garage where the car was parked. He made sure to look around a little bit, there were still some of Victor's men that watched his every move and he didn't want to risk being caught with Orva. Hell will break loose for both wealthy men and a tombstone specially crafted for Donald with his name on it.

The surrounding area was clear, and he proceeds to open the garage door, closing it behind him. Donald walked up to the car and opened the passenger door in the front.

He sighs upon seeing his helpless niece slightly bent on the seat. A grim smile formed on his lips,  and he bent down to her level to see if she was awake.

"Good morning Orva, I hoped you had a pleasant trip because we have a lot to catch up on." He tells his slumped niece and carried her into the apartment, using another exit, a fire exit.