Chapter 39

Diana's P. O. V

I woke up to find myself in the sickbay, on a soft bed staring at the wall. How did I get here? I couldn't vividly remember much of what happened, all I remembered was... West smoking. He caused this!.

I tried getting up, but a voice startled me causing me to almost fall off.

"Easy does it."Michael said, I brushed off his arms which held me firmly at my sides, and sat up straight. How did he wind up here?.

"Am okay."I said, "it doesn't look that way."He said, "what do you know anyways besides kissing girls?"I sharply cut in.

He sighed then stood away from me, he leaned against the wall and folded his arms.

"Did West do something?."he asked, almost sounding concerned about me. But that wouldn't be true, he just doesn't want anything wrong happening to me, that could tie it down to him. After all, West is on the football team.