Chapter 79

Michael's P. O. V

"You've been staring at your phone all throughout yesterday! What's up?."Makela asked, I ignored her and continued to look at the academy. Coach said that I would have to tell the guys all about the offer today. It would hurt them to find out much later, he picked today because Ace was coming to school today, meaning everyone would be there. Everyone except West of course.

"Don't tell me you're texting her again."Makela said stressing on the word her. She wasn't on board with me and Diana yet. And I couldn't blame her, I too thought that Diana had a thing going on with Pablo.

"If I were to leave would you be happy?."I asked out of the blue. "Hmm...I'd throw a party to celebrate! You'd finally be out of hair, it would be a huge favour to humanity if you left!."she said with so much enthusiasm.