Chapter 80

Diana's P. O. V

"Diana you're my drug and my addiction."

Those words replayed in my head repeatedly like a catchy Christmas jingle. My heart beat accelerated, when I realised that the girl who was being talked about was me.

"Earth to Diana! Yoo-hoo! Anyone up there?."June asked waving her fingers in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts briefly.

"Am here."I said still in a daze, "don't get too love sick, you've still got to get through school today."June reminded me. My chest tightened as my insides burned from that confession.

"Am not love sick."I said, "whatever, but you will get boy sick."she said with a straight face. We walked together towards our classes, my book fell out of my hand. I attempted to pick it up but a hand handed it over to me.

A blonde boy with green eyes handed the book over to me. "Thank you."I said, he winked at me then walked away. I passed a confused at June who had on a straight face.