Chapter 129

Diana's P. O. V

Luca dropped me off at work and drove back to school, said he had basket ball practice to get to. My feet felt a bit lighter, and my stomach clenched tightly, so many things ran through my mind.

Today was Payday, my first pay check. The inside was bustling with people, I looked around to try and spot June, but she wasn't anywhere.

Not just her, I hadn't spot West yet, and all I wanted to do right now was give him a befitting apology and a thank you for saving me.

"D!." Darla yelled running up to me, almost knocking me over, she gripped unto me, as if she literally hadn't seen me earlier today.

"Are you okay?." She asked me, staring at me from head to toe. "I should be asking you that." I teased, but now that I took a quick look at her, it's evident that she's not.

"Why do you look like shit?." I asked, she didn't usually look this terrible, she sighed and led me to the employees break room.