Chapter 130

Diana's P. O. V

The air in the pizza place had gotten even colder, James walked inside disrupting our text communication. My heart skipped a beat when he walked in, making me almost fall off my feet.

"You okay?." He asked helping to steady me, "yeah am fine. Is Pablo..." I didn't finish as Pablo walked through the door to start his shift. He actually came today.

June adjusted her hoodie properly, not letting anyone catch a glimpse of her face. "Here." James said giving me a chocolate bar.

"Happy birthday." He said, it was a sweet gesture, but my mood had been tainted this night. The joy of my first paycheck was overshadowed by the news that my best friend killed someone and buried the person.

"Thanks James it means a lot to my stomach." I said, contemplating whether it was wise to eat a chocolate before the tournament tomorrow.