Chapter 167

Diana's P. O. V

After we had ice cream, a small band played a song, they were debuting that Saturday night and picked an ice cream shop.

"That one with the guitar is super cute! Don't you think?!." Charlotte asked too loudly, getting a lot of stares from every corner, I think even the lead guitarist heard her.

"I gotta jet guys, my mom is waiting up for me. Thanks for the treat." I said while gathering my things.

"But it's just ten o'clock! Can't you stay out longer! We can still check more places in the city." Charlotte offered.

"I think Diana needs to get home. Why don't you help her flag a cab?." Darla said, with an all knowing look on her face.

"Sure!." Charlotte chirped, pulling me by the arm and dragging me out of the ice cream shop. My head hit the door hard, because she was a bit shorter than me, but not too much.