Chapter 168

Diana's P. O. V

"Cat got your tongue?! Tell me! Why are you stalking me! Or did you think I didn't notice!." He demanded, standing up from his seat.

I stood up and backed away from him, my chest pounding, my phone was on the couch he was sitting on, so there was no way I was getting it in time.

"I'll only tell you this once! Why are you sticking your nose in my business?!." Pablo asked frantically.

"I...I... It's because am the girl you're looking for!!! Am the one who knows you're involved in some shit!." I confessed.

He stared at me for a second, in shock, "Pablo, I know all about you. And am the girl who owns the slipper you're looking for." I admitted walking towards him.

He sat back down, muttering some things under his breath. I swiped my phone from beside him and attempted to call someone for help.

"I never wanted to join you know. Things weren't supposed to be like this..." Pablo said.