Chapter 211

Diana's P. O. V

Never, Never in a million years did I imagine both me and West in this kind of situation, us being so close to each other. West just admitted that I mean something to him, I really wasn't nothing to him like he said before, and knowing that warmed my heart.

I cleared my throat and retreated my grip, my hand feeling cold once we weren't touching each other anymore.

"Do you maybe want to do something?." West asked, still sitting on the couch.

"Yes!." I said too quickly, gosh! Anything was better than this awkward feeling we were having now.

He pulled out his phone from his front pocket, "my mom made me promise to call you once I get here. And it's been three hours and! She's not going to be pleased." West informed me.

It sounded like he had gotten more chatty with me, and he didn't usually wear a scowl on his face whenever he saw me.