Chapter 212

Diana's P. O. V

Note to self, never get in the middle of two guys having a fist fight, it won't ever end well. Damn, why did I have to be so extra? Was it really necessary to jump in front of West like that? What was I trying to do? Protect the guy? It's not like he'd stop fighting just because I said so...right?.

"Ouch." I said as West was treating my wounds, this was the second time now, the first was when I hurt myself at his house, and now this.

"Please, just hold on if it hurts." West begged, I was shocked to see West beg me to do something, I don't know if it was just my head hurting or if this was real, but it looked like he had that look in his eyes. The look he gave his mom when he stared at her. A loving look.

I slowly reached out and held unto his arm, clutching as tight as I could, our skin in close contact.