Diana's P. O. V
After Luca gave me the lunch he bought me, he sat down ready to listen to why I was bruised and what West had to do with all of it.
"So..." I said breaking the ice, "how's school been?." I asked staring at his arm for no just cause, I was just not ready to stare into his eyes.
"Well, school's been a bust lately, coach won't give me a second to myself. I swear he's harder on us basket ball players than the football dorks." Luca pointed out.
"He just knows you're all a bunch of lazy ass players who love slacking off. I can tell, you're the captain." I teased breaking into a grin which Luca didn't return.
His eyes were on my cheek, he wanted answers and he wanted them now. I sucked up my pride and told him all that went down, not leaving out the part where I got punched in the face by Pablo trying to protect West.