Chapter 223

Diana's P. O. V

*End of school day*

"Bye girls!." I said waving at the girls from the squad as I walked out of the gym. Practice was going on a steady pace, we practised different techniques while Makela was busying drawing our wining strategy.

Luca was held up at practice, so he asked me to wait behind a bit, so he'd drive me to work. At first that sounded like a decent idea, but now, I was starting to regret that decision.

First thing first, my shift would start in ten minutes, and if that wasn't enough of a reason...

My eyes trailed around the parking lot as I rested over Luca's car, waiting for him, till a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey! Diana!." A voice from behind called out, I used the side of my eyes to see a guy with brown hair and green eyes strutting up to me.

I did not know who the hell he was, but he seemed to know who I was.

"Hi." I courtesously said, hoping that he wasn't a dick head of some sort.