Chapter 234

Diana's P. O. V

"Are you okay?." June asked, there was a sea of people around me making sure that I wasn't hurt or anything.

"That damned fucker dared to push you, he's an asshole Ana." Julian said, holding his jaw, West really did do some damage.

"Like you were any different?!." I blurted out, catching him and everyone else off guard.

"What? I was the one that got punched remember." Julian stated out. I rolled my eyes at him, giving him a death glare.

"Why did you have to go and provoke West?! Why?! He looked like he was having a bad day! And you just went over and made it worse!. You should have been more mature." I defended.

"Me? As if I did anything, I just told him the truth. He can't act like he owns you, that's not okay. Somebody had to put that guy in his place." Julian said in a loud voice, giving me the damned Teddy.