Chapter 235

Diana's P. O. V

My mission was complete for today, I got to hold his hand!. And even though it wasn't in front of a bunch of people or anything special, it still felt nice.

"Pervert." West teased, his usual grin on his face, I sighed in relief to see him back to his usual self. That old West scared the living shit out of me.

But just when I was celebrating in my mind, West jerked his hand away and walked over to his car.

I battled within myself whether to call him back or not, and in the end, I decided to just let him be. He'll talk to me when he's ready.

*Ten Minutes Later*

Luca still hadn't come out of the gym room, his teammates had all left already. He was my ride to work, what was he still doing inside?.

I dropped my bag inside his car and went into the school to go look for him. I sent him two texts but he didn't respond to any of them.