Chapter 313

West's P. O. V

The kid eventually cried himself to sleep after a few minutes passed by. In the meanwhile I tried calling Diana back but she didn't reply to any of my calls and ignored my texts.

Causing me to get worried, it was my girlfriend Diana, and she had the tendency to make trouble follow her wherever she went.

I carried the runt and tossed him on the bed once the lady from room service delivered the new sheets and made the bed.

"You and your little brother are very cute." She blurted out while she watched me place a pillow under his head.

"Are you done with your work? If you are then you can leave." I snapped at her harshly. She nodded and complied making out of the room very frightened by my outburst.

The runt stirred in his sleep at my harsh command, I hissed at the bullshit situation while I turned off the bedside lamp.