Sector 182

A gunner

Not bad

It's not a bad job class according to the jobholders introduction manual. His father had a jobholders introduction manual. He will show it to them sometimes and tell them various story. This manual contained information and various anecdotes regarding famous jobholders.

Remembering this moments now, he felt quite heartbroken.

At this time, there appeared a few lines of words that only he could see.

Gun Owner: Joe Palmer

Race: Human

Level : 1

Special skill : Bling skill

Gun: [White] Green Bull Shotgun

Are these my attributes?

Hold on!

What does the White in front of Green Bull Shotgun mean?

He squinted his eyes, confused.

"Top Gun System contains a multitude of guns and has categorized them in different grades. Currently, the only ones that can be given to the Gun Owner are Ordinary, white, Bronze, Silver, Gold. Grades beyond these cannot be given yet, because the Gun Owner's level is too low," the System Spirit explained.

Joe Palmer gulped as he heard this.

It sounded awesome!

With this he can aim to get his revenge.

But What kind of equipment was the white grade Green Bull Shotgun equal to?

Hold on!

Where is my Green Bull Shotgun?

Just as he thought about it, a box with a green coloured bull logo appeared before him, levitating in the air.

When he grabbed it, it landed in the ground with a thumping sound.

So Heavy

He then proceeded to open the box. With a clanking sound, the box opened.

It was the Green Bull Shotgun!

The length of the Green Bull Shotgun was 18 inches, which was about one point three or one point four-feets long. Its entire body was green, and at the front of the barrel was a bull carving with it's mouth open. It looked like a fierce bull charging ahead.

His eyes lit up as the gun was revealed. How cool!

Lines that only he could see appeared before his eyes.

Gun Name: Green Bull Shotgun

Grade: white

Description: white top grade gun, besides the regular one's, it has custom made ammo. Once activated, its power increases tremendously.


Joe felt his blood burning. This is too overpowered.

"System Spirit, how can I hide it?"

It will be a problem if someone sees a shotgun in the hand of a 12 years old boy. So he decided to be careful.

"The System consists of the infinite spatial Storage space, capable of storing anything other than living things. It is just like a storage bag, hiding items within an independent s.p.a.c.e," the System Spirit replied.

He was in awe. How convenient.

"Acquire the new bling skill now?", System Spirit asked.

"Of course!"

He replied without any hesitation. He must become strong enough to take revenge.

Immediately, a strand of memory entered his mind, and he could not help but close his eyes.

He could only make sense of this memory after a long while. Turned out it was information on how to use the skill and It's benefits and limitations.

Bling : this skill allows instant teleportation within a certain range. Range depends on the level of the owner.

Really convenient skill for a gunner.

With this Joe will be able to confuse his enemy and fight from different angles too.


In this world, Gunners had a high social standing because it was like the potatoes among all other weapons!

Everyone uses guns because it's easy to use.

However, jobholders who specialize in guns were very difficult to cultivate. Even with the same gun and ammo, the amount of power, precision, damage dealt differed based on the gunners' experience.


Joe Palmer had the Top Gun System!

Now that he has the means to become strong, he neither hesitated nor delayed anymore. He packed a small backpack. Most of the things he needed for long travel is already been stored inside his system infinite spatial storage space. The backpack is for show only, still it carried some other important things.

After he finished his preparation, Joe Palmer immediately set out for a journey.

A Journey to become Stronger !

He left the place his family stayed even yesterday but now it was empty. He felt heartbroken to leave but also determined to avenge them.

Also, he still had a sister to rescue. Who knows where they have taken her? He has to hurry up and save her.

He felt the urgency to grow stronger.

"System Spirit, how can I level up quickly?"

"You level up by gaining experience. When you fight monster or enemies targeting your life, you gain experience. Overcoming tougher fight let's you accumulate more experience. There will pop up some quest occasionally, which gives a better chance of levelling up. These are the ways you can level up."

This was a strange land with science and sorcery coexisting, one in which alien races ran rampant. Nobody knows how big the world is! Because nobody fully explored this world yet.

The area Joe lived in is called sector 182 of South continent. This place is a remote region of this huge continent. But despite being a remote region, it didn't lack in the number of danger. Danger comes in many form here.

Joe decided to start from here. He will start by fighting monster. So he searched and found a lake nearby surrounded by treeline.

His plan was simple. He was not planning to start fighting strong monster. He just wanted to test his Green Bull Shotgun on some weak monster. That way he can get an idea on how powerful his gun truly is.

He entered the treeline and climbed a tree to map the situation from a higher point. Fortunately, as he expected, there wasn't many strong monster. Strong looking one's kept wandering around the lake. They didn't move around that much.

There wasn't any aerial monster too. That was a relief. He didn't want to be attacked from air when he sat on a tree branch without any defence.

Joe took out his Green Bull Shotgun and waited for a monster patiently. He didn't dare to go after one with his low fighting power and inexperienced mindset. He was afraid that he might die if he does something wrong in his excitement.

He waited for a monster to show up on his own. Then he will kill it.

After waiting for an hour something sounded out from a bush nearby which alerted Joe. Joe readied himself and watched the bush patiently for the unknown monster to reveal itself.

Then, All of a sudden the monster came out of the bush. It was a...