Fatal Class

A horn-like armor covered it's body, and the aura of a fierce monster spread out, causing the ground to slightly tremble with each step it took. From the bush the monster stepped out in the plain view.

Joe Palmer could finally see it fully.

It was a armoured komodo dragon.

Komodo dragons is the largest species of lizard monster that crawls the land, growing to a maximum length of 10 foot in rare cases, and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms, has 60 razor sharp teeth up to one inch long.

The Komodo dragon digs holes that can measure from 4 to 10 feet wide with its powerful forelimbs and claws.

Komodo dragons eat almost any kind of meat, scavenging for carcasses or stalking monsters that range in size from small rodents to large water buffalo. Young feed primarily on small lizards and insects, as well as snakes and birds like monster. Their lost or damaged teeth in battle are constantly replaced. Komodo Dragons can go through four or five sets of teeth in their lifetime. Their teeth allow them to tear off large chunks of flesh which they swallow whole.

Armoured Komodo Dragon's are venomous and tight skinned, they have the ability to conjure powerful poisonous acid attack from their mouth. It helps these animals take down everything from deer to water buffalo.

Whats horrifying is that the venom these creatures inject into their prey with every deep bite contains toxic saliva that result in the inability to stop bleeding and low blood pressure, which makes the victims to lose their mobility and become their food while being alive.

Also, their defence is ironclad. Their skin is tough and covered in protruding metallic thorn. They were hard to scratch let alone penetrate.

Standing on the tree branch, Joe felt quite shocked. He was amazed seeing the armoured komodo dragon. It had a medium-sized rodent type creature in it's mouth.

Looks like it hunted the rodent for it's lunch. The rodent looked like a fairly strong monster but it still lost to the komodo dragon.

What immense power!

Joe felt respect and fear towards it.

But he still decided to kill it or at least, give it a try. Although armoured komodo dragon is strong but it is not the strongest.

It is only a level 2 fatal class monster.

He waited for the komodo dragon monster to come closer. He is an amateur in handling guns that's why he wanted to shoot from a close distance. It was all for his safety.

The armoured komodo dragon grew closer to him. He pointed the gun aiming for it's neck. But as it was his first time, he could not help but be nervous. As a result, his hand trembled and he could not aim steadily.

The armoured komodo dragon was nearing him and it was almost beneath the tree he was.

He took a deep breath and aimed the Green Bull Shotgun. His finger on the trigger. He just had to pull the trigger.


Joe pulled the the trigger.

He pulled the trigger and it produced a loud blasting sound. The sound scared and alarmed the armoured komodo dragon.

But it was too late.

When the smoke from gunbarrel disappeared, Joe saw what happened clearly.

An instant kill!

He killed the armoured komodo dragon. But he didn't pierce it's neck which was it's weak points. He blasted a hole in it's body below its neck.

The Komodo dragon died so fast.

Without being able to resist at all!

He was also able to pierce it with his shotgun.

Joe Palmer was incredibly delighted and surprised, and he began to wildly laugh.

Joe Palmer was given a big fright; it seemed that he need not to be so fearful when using this shotgun in the future. If he encountered enemy of this level to death, he could just blast them away with his Green Bull Shotgun.

After that he collected the skin and fangs of the armoured komodo dragon and stored it in the infinite spatial storage space of the system.

These are valuable item which are sold at a high price. It will be foolish to leave it here.

With this Joe got confidence in the system. He was relieved that the shotgun from the system was so badass.


Joe continued to hunt down monster after that. But he didn't make haste. He started with weak one's and killed all the monster that came his way.

In this way, he killed various kind of monster. But all of them were of fatal class, their level ranging from level 1 to level 5.

He could kill these monster instantly. He didn't meet any higher level than level 5 till now. But that didn't worry him.


Two days later,

Many creatures felt that their deaths were impending and started to go crazy, recklessly releasing their emotions. These two days many monster in these area died, filling them with terror.

At first, they thought it was just fighting among monster which is normal for monster. But when so many monster started dying, these monster sensed danger. They could feel that someone was hunting them one by one.

The monsters were all enraged because of this and started to search for the cause of this. The whole treeline was bubbling with commotion.

But the one responsible for this didn't know that monsters are trying to find and kill him.

Joe continued to kill monster during these two days. He took it as training. He kept count of how many monster he killed. He killed 10 level 1 monster, 5 level 2 and level 3 monster, 2 level 4 monster and 1 level 5 monster.

A total of 23 monster in two days.

Some of the monster in this list of killed were not alone. They even came in pair or packs of monster. Mostly, level 2 and level 3 monster came in pack. It was difficult to deal with but it also provided him valuable experience.

In this small treeline, this is quite an astronomical number of killing.

The lakeside treeline that was a paradise for monster became h.e.l.l on earth for these monster.

It was like this place was going through a purge.