Unbelievable Power

"SHIT!!! what an ugly voice!", Kagila held his ears and said.

The sound was loud and unbearable.

'What kind of power is this!'

This thought flashed through their mind.

Then they saw Clemens who was the target of this attack. His current situation could be described in only a word, TRAGIC.

He was bleeding from all the facial orifices he had. His face turned ashen and his bloody eyes were gradually losing color in them. He looked like a bloody ghost with all the blood dripping from his face.


Clemens let go of the knife he wielded, staggered backward for a few steps, and then dropped down on his knees. He lost his strength and became a fish on a chopping board.

Just then, the woman appeared in front of him and picked up his knife.

"Not so tough now, are you?" she gave her a pitiful look.

"Whh--at did yoo-u do to mm-me?" Clemens barely raised his head to look at her and asked with difficulty.

"I destroyed pretty much all the blood vessels in your head, now your head is full of blood and within a few minutes you will die." She said plainly without showing any humane emotions.

"What! that's impossible. There is no such power.", the hooded man screamed in denial. But he couldn't think of any other explanation than this.

"Hehee.. heehe... no wh-aat she ss--aid is right. I can fe--el it in my brain.", Clemens said tragically.

This made them shiver in fear. What a frightening ability!

"You guys in this backwater place of the world have no idea what is possible, so don't sweat it.", said the girl in disdain.

"Let me end your suffering.", the woman said as she advanced towards Clemens. After that, she slit his throat in a split second with the knife.


"NOO!!", Kagila screamed.


Clemens body fell and dust clouds blew up. When the dust settled, he was dead.

"Don't worry, I will send you there also in a moment.", The woman said in a bone-chilling voice.

Both Kagila and The hooded man got back their senses. They were still in danger. This woman is a skilled and powerful adversary. Clemens underestimated her and got himself killed. They don't want to follow in his footsteps.

They looked at each other and came to an agreement silently. They are going to fight her together.

Kagila immediately started firing guns and the hooded man waved his hand, suddenly the ground broke into pieces and the broken pieces of the ground flew towards the woman like a projectile.

The woman dodged the bullets with ease and retreated when the debris was about to hit her. The large pieces of debris smashed in the ground and blew up the area which produced more debris.

Her smooth movement, flawless timing gave her an extra edge and made it difficult for others to hit her.

"So fast", Said kagila.

"How can she move so fast?", said the other one.

"One has the power to throw things around, the other one is a plain old shooter.", The woman analyzed the power of the enemy.

"This fight is barely a fair fight.", she laughed as she prepared to attack.

She brought out a black mask and wore it. It wasn't any normal mask. At a glance, it looked like the invention of some scary mad scientist.

"What is she doing?" asked the hooded man.

"Don't know. But it's definitely bad news for us.", said Kagila.

"Get Ready!"


The hooded man used his power to pull up a large chunk of the ground. He rotated the broken chunk and debris in midair, used it as a giant drilling machine. He used that giant drilling machine to attack the woman.

The woman remained unfazed.

She wore the mask and screamed at the incoming giant drill. But surprisingly there was no sound.

The drilling machine also crashed on her at that time.