Real Face

The night sky was gloomy. The moon was hidden behind the patch of dark cloud.

Under the gloomy sky, the fight between the children trafficker and the mysterious woman came to silence. The place where they were fighting was in shambles. But it was unclear whether the woman was dead or not. They could not see clearly as dust cloud blocked their vision.

"Think it's over?" Kagila asked.

The hooded man kept quiet. He wasn't sure himself so he couldn't answer the question.

"head's down!"

the black-hooded man shouted.

But before Kagila could move he was caught up in a sudden attack.

He saw a wind blade came over and cut off his head. The wind blade was caused by compressing the soundwave. Its speed was extremely fast so fast that he barely got a glimpse of it and that was the last thing he saw before he died.


At this moment, the black guy not even dared to make the slightest move. This woman came to their door and killed two people in a few breaths of time. Not to mention that his important consignment is already ruined, with no way to reclaim it now.

He looked at the woman who reappeared from the dust after taking the previous attack. Surprisingly, she managed to repel the attack with a more powerful attack.

Broom! Vrooom!


The sound of the engine could be heard during the battle. A jeep arrived at the scene.

The shine of moonlight barely escaped the gloomy sky and shone on the ground, and they could see clearly that five people had descended from the jeep. One man had an assault rifle while the other four had submachine guns. Not only so, but they all had bulletproof helmets. Seeing this, the black guy's eyes also brightened. He knew that the woman wouldn't be able to get away no matter what.

However, the woman didn't mind the guns in these people's hands. There were only five people, she wasn't worried at all. What she cared about was that dark-clothed man. She thought that if he had a jeep, he would be able to go far away immediately.

"Wow, you called backup? I'm shocked!" the woman acted shocked. But her sarcastic tone appeared clear to all.

"Hmph! I alerted them at the very first moment. But you already killed two in this short period of time."

As they spoke, the five had rapidly charged in front of them and surrounded the car.

The woman slowly patted the dust off of her body first. However, she kept her sight on the five people. If someone tried to move his finger to pull the trigger, she would kill him immediately.

"Now if you follow us back obediently, we will do nothing to you. For now." said the dark-clothed man.

"oh! you think you can catch me with a few more gunners." the woman laughed at them loudly.

"Laugh all you want now. In the end, you will die today if you don't obey. You think you can kill six people quickly all by yourself. Do not make me laugh. Although you are strong, there is no way you can take on six people alone." the dark-clothed man became very confident after his backup arrived. He was happy thinking that he can take the children away and fulfill his mission.

Obviously, he got his confidence from numbers. He was thinking that with six people surrounding her she had no way to escape or dodge. If she moved even a little, they can riddle her body with bullets.

But then they seemed to have felt a warm sensation brush past their neck. Now when they realized what that warmness was it was too late. They discovered that someone sneak attacked their group. But it wasn't gunshots, more like poison shot but one that can make them lose their motor ability instantly.

"Hahaha! easy-peasy!"The woman also attacked with her Soundwave attack. Her attack made them clutch their heads while shrieking in agony and leak blood from the eyes and nose.

"Ugh… Argh..." after a few sounds, the five gunmen wanted to cover their ears but realized that they didn't even have the strength to raise their hands due to being poisoned. In the blink of an eye, the five collapsed, lifeforce leaving their body.

The man in dark-cloth was left standing in his place like a fool. At this moment, he felt the seriousness of the issue and how foolish he had been. From the start, he or they had no way to win. He was just clowning around with his little bit of power.

But when he understood that, it suddenly hit him. Why was he spared? Why wasn't he dead too?

"Now let's have a nice chat." the woman asked as she approached him without any fear.

"What do you want?" asked the man in dark cloth. He did not have his earlier scheming and devious attitude now. He was very docile now, prepared to do anything to save his own skin.

"I want you to answer all of my questions."

"Ok, I will. But you have to promise me that you will let me leave this place alive." the man tried to negotiate with her. He knew that once he lost value, he will be killed. That's why he tried to negotiate with the woman even though he knew he had no hope of succeeding in that.

"You have no choice. Still, if your answers satisfy me, I will let you go."

"ok, let's begin!"


The woman who beat up the children trafficker came to a building far from where she fought. On the rooftops of the building, she set up a robot shooting machine. This is what sneak attacked the five gunners that came as backup.

After coming here she walked around the rooftop for a while. Then she pulled off her hair, turned out her hair was fake. Then she peeled off a layer of her skin from her face. So her face was fake too. She was wearing a skin mask.

After that, she removed a bunch of other things she disguised herself with. Then he washed his face with water.

Finally, the real face of this person became clear.