
Shockingly this person is not a woman. He is a man. A handsome blonde one at that.

He was tall, had blonde hair and his eyes were as black as charcoal. He had a sharp-looking face.

"Sigh! As suspected, the top brasses' are involved in this child trafficking business." his handsome face became troubled.

He felt thirsty so he decided to drink water. He kept some water and food here on this rooftop.

Afterward, he rested for a while there. When he felt amply rested he took his leave from there.

He destroyed the robot shooting machine though.


Town Cloverfield, Mayor's mansion

A sick 20-year-old boy looked at the gloomy sky through the open window.

Bryan Hartley, the only son of the Hartley family is the Mayor's only son. He suffered from a rare disease that drains a person's life out of them. Doctors said that he will die before his 21st birthday at this rate.

"Six months more, huh?" The boy softly sighed.

Bryan has no qualms with how his life ends. He is handsome, brown-haired, and a charming well-educated man. If not for his disease, he would be a man with no flaws. Perhaps that's the reason he became like this. His only regret in his life is that he couldn't explore the outside world.

The thing is, his parents are way too overprotective. They love him so much that after learning about his situation they kept him under close observation always. His mom, Julia Hartley even dumped her own company, which she built up from the ground, on his eldest uncle just so she could take care of her.

As for his father, Marvin Hartley, the Mayor of this town, he is a very capable and strong person. He has used his power and authority to its fullest to find a cure for his son, no matter the cost. He invited many famous doctors and scientists so that they can find a cure for his son. Truly a doting father.

"How much trouble am I going to put them through?" Bryan frowned as he felt sadness from the trouble he caused for his parents and all the other people. Bryan kept on looking outside. But the dark clouds aren't clearing up neither in the sky nor in his life.

When the next day came, the sun shone brightly again.

The streets were bustling. People were doing their business as usual.

But currently, the gates to enter and exit the city became a place full of rage and commotion. The reason for that is the Rangers increased their activity in order to catch the infamous thief Siren. They are checking every person, every caravan, every merchant, and their vehicle very strictly.

Turned out last night Siren sent a challenge letter to the Rangers. Rangers had a reputation to protect so without any other option they accepted the challenge letter. The challenge is pretty simple. They have to catch him before he steals something valuable.

The thief even left a clue very pompously. Nobody knows what the clue really is except the Rangers. As they didn't appear to be a friendly bunch, nobody dared to ask them about the clue so nobody knows. But many people are dissatisfied with the inconvenience they had to put up with because of this.

The city has three gates. So They're called No.1, No.2, No.3. In front of the No.1 gate, a situation was happening currently.

"You know who I am? I can make you guys vanish in a minute. How dare you stop me?" an obese man around 40+ shouted back at the Rangers soldiers. He had some cargo with him in his van.

'This bastard!' The soldiers didn't like the man. Generally, they will put him in his place. But the guy had special standing in this town. He is one of the richest hotshots in this town with some ties with the Mayor.

That's why they gave him some face. But he is still throwing tantrums like a 10 years old boy.

He sneered at the soldier's every word. He had some hired bodyguards who liked like some nasty robbers. He felt like he can beat up these soldiers if they don't listen and show his strength to the townsmen.

Seeing the man disturbing their work, they decided to pull him out of the line and search him privately. But the man didn't want to be searched by them.

"You have no right to search my cargo without my permission, much less me. Let me in otherwise, see my men here they will make you suffer very much." One of the bodyguards who was feeling confident and saw this as an opportunity to earn some favors from his employer walked towards a soldier aggressively, with a violent smirk on his face.

"Ugggghh!!" screaming sound rang out.

The bodyguard fainted after suddenly being punched by an armored man who came out of nowhere.

The appearance of the armored man was quite cool. Despite being clad in metal, it seemed to be a custom fit for the wearer, and its smooth surface was so reflective it was like a shining silver plate. It was an elegant blend of red and black. The particularly unique point of the armored man is that he is wearing an eyepatch.

"Sergeant Carlyle!" The soldiers at the scene greeted him using their unique military pose. Serge just nodded his head slightly. He gave off a strong, stubborn, and unyielding vibe.

"Why are you guys being so timid fuckboys? if someone is making trouble, beat him up then." Serge Carlyle reproached his soldiers. Then he began to make his way towards the obese person.

As he got closer to him, they felt more and more pressure from the sergeant.

They felt resigned. The pressure from the sergeant wasn't a joke.

"What's your name, fatty?"

"Fatty?! who gave you the guts to call me fatty? I wi--" before he could finish he felt two tight slaps landing on his face. His face burned up in rage and shame. He side glanced at his bodyguards and saw them standing paralyze due to fear.


"What's your name, fatty?" Serge Carlyle asked again. He asked the same question, in same way like it was the first time he asked the question.

At first, fatty didn't want to say his name. But after seeing serge's face--

"Haggen" the words came out of his(fatty's) mouth unknowingly.