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"Look fatty, you are not my boss. So i Won't listen to you nor show you any respect because you are weak. You can either listen to rules like every one else or pay the prices for obstructing our work. If you have any problem with that you can try amd fight me. " Carlyle glared at Haggen as he said that.

Haggen was threatened in front of everyone and he felt very embarrassed and angry. But he was powerless to do anything. He had no choice but to back out now.

After Haggen backed out, everything went smoothly. Nobody made any trouble anymore.

Sergeant Carlyle also returned to his temporary office after inspecting the investigation work for a while.

" clue till now. I have to catch that bastard who is messing around with me." Carlyle took a sit in his office and felt troubled. He thought of the incident that happened last night.

Last night someone broke into their camp and took everyone's badge. The badge is the proof of identity for the rangers. With this badge, anyone can pose as a ranger.

How can something so important be stolen so easily without anyone noticing? This is what he can't figure out.

"And that ridiculous clue. What does that even mean?"

Sergeant Carlyle felt a headache coming. He knew that if he could not catch the siren, he will face many repercussion. Many people wanted to pick a fight with him. They just needed an proper excuse.

"Sergeant Carlyle !! bad news! " a soldier entered the tent hurriedly.

"Someone killed Kagila's gang."

"damn it! "

Sergeant Carlyle slammed his fist on the table. He was furious. Nothing seems to be going his way these days.

"sir, what do we do now? who will give us the information now?"

"we will wait and see what we can do." Sergeant Carlyle knitted his brow and fell in deep contemplation.

'Kagila and his gang made a deal to provide evidence in exchange of money. now with them gone how do I deal with this situation? Also who killed him? A rival? maybe someone silenced him with his gang too. Not that I care about that nasty bunch. I would have dealt with them too after finishing my main business here.'

As sergeant Carlyle dove deep into thoughts he looked up and closed his eye.


The huge corridor to the north on the mayors mansion's first floor. In one of the many room a man was isolated in the middle with enemies on both sides. He was fighting fiercely.

"Multi Slash."

"Thorn Wave."

Three burly people attempted to corner him with their superpower but he blocked them with his bare fist.

But if someone notices carefully there is a layer of black covering his arm.

"As expected, Master and his lead-covered body are impenetrable. But can you take on our next attack too?" one of the fighters who had red hair spoke confidently.

"So confident! Let's see if you really live up to it." A savage yet handsome smile surfaced on the man's face.

He then broke their defense with a powerful dash of his strong body followed by a right uppercut from below.

One down!!

The other two gasped at this development.

Before their metal-clad master their best defense became useless.

Then the remaining two changed their position a bit. They kept a reasonable distance and bombarded him with attack.

But he wasn't suppressed too much. His body took their attack head on.

"Metal Claw"

He turned his hand into a lead-covered claw. It was sharp and deadly with a very dark feeling.

He caught one of the remaining two and hurled him towards the other one and they both crashed on the wall. Their body was bruised severely.

"Hahaha.. now you can't get up anyway. It's my win."

Nobody answered. They all fainted.

Right then..

"Tor.tor.. lord Hartley you have an urgent meeting, please come to the meeting room now." An unknown voice informed suddenly.

"What happened now? I will be there shortly."

Afterward, Mayor Marvin Hartley headed for the meeting room. His secretary Cain, a man in his mid twenty also followed him.

"What's the matter now, Cain?"

"Sir, the Rangers sent a report to us. It seems that they still haven't found anything. But last night 'that gang' was annihilated. We still don't know who did it. As far as ongoing investigation reports go, it seems the gang was hit by one person. Very powerful person. "

"Hmm.. keep digging. I want to know everything before them. My enemies cannot get suspicious of my activities. "

"But sir it is not quite right to investigate the situation with so many people's eyes on it. Someone might get some idea about it."

"I don't care. I want the information. I have to know everything before them."

"Sir, I will do my best." Cain replied respectfully.

When they reached the meeting room, Cain stood outside and waited. Seeing this Marvin had a thoughtful expression.

He entered the room and saw a very good looking man in his fifties sitting comfortably in the chair in front of a large meeting table.

'Sigh! things a parent sacrifices for their child.'

The man looked at him and stood up to show his respect but there was no respect in his eyes. His eyes looked at Marvin like he was looking at a prey who had fallen into the trap he laid on.

"Doctor Victor Von Doom, I didn't expect to see you right now. Why are you here? I hope you are not wasting time on useless things other than the work I have put you in charge of."

"Of course not, but I think we have to discuss our next plan of action." Victor replied smilingly.

'What is he planning? i don't like his creepy smile. it always gives me goosebumps.'

"What action?"

"The plan i am proposing is this..." Victor then handed over a file to Marvin and waited for him patiently to finish reading. Marvin read the file very carefully and his forehead creased slightly as he felt his anxiety rise. After he finished reading the file, he calmly considered the plan for a while.

"this is very risky" Suddenly Marvin said.

"Yes, i don't deny that. Even the chance of succeeding is only 50% so i am not sure but we don't have much time and considering current situation we need to start right now if we want to reach to the last stage." Victor said in a convincing way.