Joe Returns

Marvin is now facing a dilemma. He didn't know if what the man named Victor said is true or not. But he has no way to confirm it.

"Victor, I hope you will cure my son. I don't know if you are deceiving me but know this I won't spare you if you try and cross me."

"Please, rest assured. I will do my best to finish the work I started here." Victor was watching the city mayor closely ever since he came to this city about two years ago. He was hired to lead a division of scientists whose purpose is to create a cure for the mayor's son's illness.

Previously the mayor used to be kind and righteous to everyone but lately, he's become a more ruthless and indifferent person.

' Looks like my convincing has borne some fruit. He just needs one or two final pushes. ' Victor thought.

"Then proceed with the plan. I will take care of the other things you need." saying that Marvin got up and left the room. Victor also stood up and walked away.

When leaving through the door, Victor and Cain, both of them eyed each other with different emotions. Victor's gaze contained amusement whereas Cain showed strong hostility.


"Please make sure you procure all things in this list. Also, send my brother a message to meet me as soon as possible." A beautiful woman with short black hair ordered the butler standing in front of him.

"Alright, madam."

After instructing the butler, she headed forward with graceful steps. When she arrived in front of a room, she stopped. There is a servant stationed outside the room.

"Have you done your work properly?" she asked the servant.

"yes, madam." The servant replied.

"Ok, you can go now." After getting her permission, the servant left.

She entered the room and saw Bryan was reading a book and sitting in his favorite chair.

"Mother, you are here. I already told you that you don't have to check on me every hour of the day. The servants are already doing it enough." Bryan complained.

"If I don't come here every hour who knows if they will do their job properly." replied Julia Hartley with a smile. But her heart ached to see her son suffer like this. Still, she always maintained a smiling face in front of Bryan so that he doesn't feel sorry.

Bryan didn't argue anymore and returned to reading his book. Julia did what she did every day. Check if everything is alright in the room.

"Bryan, how are you feel feelings today?" Julia asked as she looked around and straighten up if anything is wrong.

"I'm fine. It isn't like it hurts or anything. But can I stop taking all these medications? I feel I will get better if I stop taking this."

"No, you know this is what the doctor suggested. You need to take them regularly. Even if it hurts now it is necessary for future procedures."

"Yeah, Doctor. There is no proven cure for this so what's the use of it?" Bryan commented sarcastically. But Julia felt his inner frustration and fear of approaching death in his voice. He couldn't hide it from her even if he tries and that made her feel even more heartbroken.

"Son, don't worry. Our researchers have already made a cure. It just needs to go through some final testing. If it is successful, you will be cured and they say that the probability of the cure being successful is as high as 80% so there is nothing to worry about." Julia consoled his son. Everything she said is true except for one thing. The probability of the cure being successful is only 20%.

' Those damn scientists! They only know how to ask for money and how to make excuses. Looks like I can only rely on my own ways. ' Julia cursed the researchers and decided to search for a cure in her own way. She already has an idea of where to start.


A merchant wants to hire a mercenary to guard his goods in his warehouse. Those interested in this job can contact me in the below address.

This is a notice posted in front of a store that sells leather accessories. Not a very good place to advertise but cheaper than most if you are trying to save money.

But some mercenary who needs work desperately still managed to find it. Lynd is one such mercenary. He is not part of any mercenary group. So it's tough for him to get large assignments.

"Sigh! I hope I can convince the guy to hire me." Lynd did not get his hopes up. But he still wanted to earn some money.

When he reached the given address, he saw that only four people including himself showed up for the job. Three men and one woman. When he told them he came here for the job, he was told the interview will begin shortly.

Before that, a person came and took some information from them. From their interactions, Lynd learned that among the four of them, one of them is an 18-year-old loner like him but the other two are a couple. The couples are one team so there is a chance of them getting picked. The other person looked like a young man with experience in this line of work.


Lynd became depressed.

When the interview began, without saying anything the job issuer dismissed the couples. The couples were of course enraged. They began to curse and demand an explanation. But the explanation that the job issuer gave left them speechless.

What happened is, the mercenaries who were doing this job before were also a couple. But there were still robbery happening. The reason they gave was they needed more people to guard. But the owner didn't agree with their logic. The owner thought that they were in cahoots with the robbers.

So he decided to keep an eye on them. One day when he came to check on them, he caught them in the act. Alas, they weren't doing robbery. But they were too deep in each other's bodies with no care for their work.

The owner was so angry that he kicked them out on the spot. At that moment he also decided not to hire a couple ever again.

The crowd was dazed when they heard his story. But they also felt sympathy for him. The couple also saw no way for them here and left the place in frustration. They also cursed the previous couple loudly in front of everyone.

"Ok, now only two of you are left and I also need only two people. So if you are willing with the wages, I would like to hire you."

"Yess!" Lynd celebrated. The other one also replied affirmatively.

"So why don't you introduce yourself."

"My name is Lynd. I am a fighter." saying that Lynd waved around his fist to show his power.

"I am Joe. I am a sharp shooter."