Lynd and Joe

Today is the first day of his job so Lynd is very happy that he got the job. He is dancing inside his head as he walked towards his new workplace.

His work is to guard the goods in his employer's warehouse. It is a very boring yet dangerous job because of the local gang's harassment. They come to loot and rob these kinds of warehouses frequently. If the security is not strong, then a merchant has to bear losses frequently. That's why strong guards are hired to guard warehouses by the merchants.

"Hello, Joe. How are you, man?" Lynd asked Joe. Joe is standing in front of the gate of the warehouse currently.

"good" Joe replied with a single word.

"Ah! you are not very talkative, are you?" Lynd asked. But Joe remained silent.

At this moment, the owner of the warehouse called them inside.

"You two, listen carefully. You have to just keep an eye on each batch of the goods for a few days. My goods are always in demand so they don't remain here for many days. After a batch is sold, the next batch will come. As long as we hand over the product to the buyer, it is no longer our concern. Today I am taking all the goods and it will be empty for the day. So you can supervise the load-up process."

"Alright." Joe replied. Lynd nodded his head too.


After they finished their loading work, they were called by the owner.

"You guys did a good job. You can go now. Tomorrow a new batch of goods from the coastal area is going to be delivered. You will have more work to do then." The owner then left them. They were now free. They had a very short first day at work so both of them didn't know what to do.

"Let's go drink something."


The Gold Nugget,

This is a popular pub among mercenaries. People are always coming and going through the doors of the pub. The pub also provides a resting place on rent. So the business is very good.

Lynd dragged Joe with him for a drink in the gold nugget pub. Many types of people were gathered there. Some were in groups, some were alone.

"Give us two drinks." Lynd ordered. Joe just looked around calmly. He saw people talking with each other happily. He felt very out of place here. He came here with Lynd but he wasn't his friend. So he didn't know what to talk about. He couldn't even start a decent conversation. This is the result of years of living as an outcast.

"It's so nice to drink after working hard." Lynd exclaimed.

"Yes, but don't drink too much. It's still daytime and I don't want to carry the burden of carrying you home."Joe said in a flat tone.

"Ehh, you do care about people don't you?" Lynd asked smilingly. Seeing his slightly drunk smug face, Joe felt like punching the guy. But he didn't, he just move his head away and looked at other people.

"Tell me a price and break up with him. Then never show your face to him again." A girl in her 20 yelled at a woman older than her. They are both beautiful but the older woman had a different charm to her. They are both dressed like a mercenary so it is not wrong to think that they are one.

"Little sister, you know I can not do that. I really love your brother and your brother also loves me very much." The older woman with a valiant aura smiled and replied.

"You-you.. You trapped my brother. You seduced him for his money." The girl angrily accused her. Her face became red due to anger.

"What are you saying? It was your brother who made the first move. I didn't even know him before he introduced himself to me about a year and a half ago." The woman calmly explained but the girl didn't seem to believe a word of her.

"Yeah? Then how did you fall in love so quickly?" The girl snorted and stared at her viciously. Joe who was watching them fight verbally, suddenly had a thought about how his sister would have reacted if he also dated a girl. Maybe her reactions wouldn't be much different from this girl's.

"Love has no reason or rules to follow. It happens when it happens." The older woman said with passion.

"Wow! I can't believe that she just uttered those cringey lines so smoothly. Love really makes a person an idiot." Lynd mumbled. Joe also glanced at him briefly. Then he again focused on them.

The girl was so angry that her body was trembling. She took a deep breath to calm down.

"Hey boss, look at those two. Those two are so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life." A man who sat in a corner with his group said to a tall and bulky guy.

"Yes, I was thinking of the same thing." The bulky man gave a knowing smile as he talked. His underling understood the meaning behind his smile.

"Just leave it to me, Boss." His underling left towards the back of the pub.

On the other hand, the girl was cornered by the woman's retort. She was playing with the girl and left her speechless. The girl was very frustrated.

"Waiter, give me a strong drink." the girl felt that she needed the drink to lower her frustration.

"Little sister, you should refrain from drinking too much." The woman advised.

"I don't need your advice. Just leave my brother alone." she said. The waiter also brought her a drink at this moment.

"OK, if you are not going to listen, then I will leave. Enjoy your drink." saying that the woman got up to leave.

"Hmph.. I don't need you to tell me what to do. I will enjoy my drink very much now that you are gone."