
"Determined that the Gun Owner has reached level 20. Random lot drawing begins!"

"Ding! Congratulations, the Gun Owner obtained [Red]The Makarov pistol, Smoke grenade !"

After killing and injuring most of them, Joe felt his senses calm down. He slowly approaches the girl who is utterly defenseless at this moment.

Only the sound of the wind blowing through could be felt. The wind brought the smell of blood back to him. At this time, Joe felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. Seeing the girl reminds him of his sister whom he still hasn't found.

"Now what do I do with you?" Joe didn't know where to take the girl as he didn't know anything about her. He didn't even know her name till now.

"Uu-nnggh" the girl made a squirming sound. Joe felt that he should not leave her like this but he didn't want to take her with him also. So Joe feeds her some detoxifying elixir. Then he opened his system window.

Gun Owner: Joe Palmer

Race: Human

Level: 20

Special skill: Bling skill, Dodge Projectile skill, Revolvers Master skill, Rifles Master skill

Gun: [White] Green Bull Shotgun, [White] Speed hindering Beretta 93R Submachine gun, [White]The S&W Model 625 revolver, [White]The L42A1, [White]The PTRD-41,

[Red]The M2010 ESR, [Red]The Barrett M107, [Red]The Makarov pistol, etc

He isn't very happy with his level progression. As he advanced his level, it became harder to progress. In the past years, he got many [White] grade weapons as well as a few [Red] ones.

But each level up took more killing than the last.

"Whatever! I'll wait for you to wake up." Joe said as he came out of his thoughts and looked at the girl.


On the other hand, the bulky guy who left the group before was waiting for his follower in their secret base. He was getting impatient. Their base was underground. They do some shady dealings here.

"Why are those guys so late? I swear I will teach them a lesson if they touch her before me."

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Suddenly he heard a few hurried footsteps. He looked at the spiral stairs that came down from above. He saw some of his group members come back. But they all had injuries of various degrees.

"Help us!"

"What? What happened to you guys?"

"Mike, we were ambushed! So many died, Mike!" said one guy with panic and fear evident in his eyes. Mike looked at him and scanned his injuries. He had his skin and flesh torn here and there with bleeding. His leg was limping. But among everyone, his injuries were the least of concern here.

"Who is it? Who dares to do this? Tell me." Mike asked angrily as he saw the bleeding and crying faces of his followers.

"We don't know. I never saw anyone. But I know that it was a sniper who shot us."

"Sniper? How dare he? I will kill that sniper bastard. Their whole group should die. Those sneaky snakes!" Mike was fuming with each reply. He felt like his head was going to explode soon. But he also felt very disappointed in these people.

'Why is Mike reacting so strongly? He never cares about anyone. Why is he so agitated?' thought the guy.

"Mike, help us. That sniper killed so many of us. We barely survived. Give us some healing medicine." the guy requested on behalf of everyone injured.

Mike took a long look at everyone present. There are 6 people here with small and heavy injuries. Healing medicines are precious. They heal injuries very quickly so they are considered lifesaving items in a fight. Each one means having an extra life.

So the thing to consider now is whether it is worth it to save these guys. These guys are not weak. Together they can defeat Mike. But now they are like this. They couldn't even catch or kill one sniper. Pathetic!

"Alright, wait here." Mike went to his room. He has his own room on this base. He quickly pulled out a drawer on his shelf. From there he took six vials of liquid. They were pinkish in color.

Mike returned to the injured people very soon.

"Here take this quickly! I only have four of them. You can decide who will take them." Mike said in a somber voice as he put the vials of medicine on the table in front of everyone. Everyone could hear the gravity in his voice. They knew what he wanted to imply.

"I don't need the medicine. My injuries are only flesh wounds. They will heal very soon naturally." The one who was speaking till now immediately cleared his standing. He is not going to fight for this medicine.

But there are some who needed them absolutely. So now only four vials remained for five people. They were already injured and if they fought for the medicine then it will be disastrous for everyone.

A brave one suddenly started to slowly walk forward. His injuries were very severe. He lost one eye and blood dripped from that eyesocket painting a very scary picture. He also lost a couple of fingers. His very hand is a bloody mess.

"I think we should start with treating those whose injuries are most severe." As he said he took one vial and looked at everyone slowly. Then he gulped down the medicine in one go. He did it so fast that the others couldn't react in time.

"Bastard!" Everyone got agitated as they took a step forward but they were already late. But once they took that step, they all ran to grab the remaining medicine.

A fight broke out instantly. Everyone tussled with one another to get the medicine. Finally, the thing that everyone was waiting for happened.

Mike was also watching them fight without saying anything.

His lips formed a wicked grin.

Someone had died. Now they all have a medicine for each person. They quickly consumed the medicine without feeling any remorse.

The one who died, Mike looked at him. He saw a line of tears streaming down the side of his lifeless face. Mike then shifted his attention to the ones who took the medicine.

"Wha-wh- ha-p-ng!"

Ack! Ack!

One by one they all fell on the floor.

"What the hell!"