Rangers Arrives

Within a few seconds, everyone was lying on the ground unable to move a muscle. Mike and the only one who didn't take medicine are the only ones still moving.

Mike looked at them disdainfully.

"You piece of shit! did you really think I will waste my precious healing medicine on you failures who got beaten the crap out of them by one person?" he said. He had a ferocious expression on his face.

Those lying on the floor only looked at him in fear as they were unable to move.

'is he going to kill us?' they all had this thought circling inside their head.

"There is no use in keeping you a bunch of waste alive." saying that Mike pulled out a gun and started to shoot them.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those who took medicine died under his cruelty. None of them lived.

The concrete floor was stained red by blood as if someone had poured red color on it.

"So what do you have to say, Ronnie?" Mike asked the only other person alive in this room.

Ronnie felt his body turn cold from fear. He felt like his whole world is spinning around him making him dizzy. So when Mike asked him a question he did not hear him.

Mike looked at Ronnie who had turned into an idiot from fear.

"Ronnie!" Mike shouted and Ronnie woke up with a jolt. He felt his wound burn with searing pain again.

The two of them glanced at each other, different emotions their expression held. One had fear for his life while the other held oppression.

"Take this" Mike threw another medicine vial. Ronnie caught the vial and glanced at him, his eyes pleading for mercy.

"Don't worry, this one is real medicine. I still have use for you. Also, clean up this place before I return." Mike then left and went out.

Ronnie was left there with confusion surrounding his brain. He could not believe that murderous beast Mike left him alive.

As Mike walked out of the base, the clouds above the western part of the skies were already dyed a crimson red!

"Damn it! Who is it?" Mike felt frustration crawling under his skin.

"Let's see if I can find some clue about who this person is." Mike decided to investigate the sniper. As for what he will do if he finds him, that is not hard to guess.


Joe waited for the girl to regain her sense. But it's already been 30 minutes. The girl is not showing any sign of waking up. Joe was becoming anxious when he saw the girl's eyebrow twitching.

'Finally, she is waking up.' Joe thought.

The girl felt like she was waking up from thousands of years of sleep. Her eyes felt extremely heavy. As she opened her eyes, she saw blurriness. But after a few seconds passed, her eyes became normal and she saw everything clearly.

She was in a dark alleyway.

Her first reaction was to check her body. She was relieved to see that her clothes were intact. But still, she felt afraid in this situation. Then confusion dawned upon her.

She stood up slowly and looked around. There is no one here. But the whole place reeked of a distinctive metallic smell. Slowly slowly as she followed the smell, she saw traces of blood.

"Somebody was definitely fighting here." she pieced together things from the traces of fighting in the surrounding.

"Whoaaa" she was surprised and screamed out loud due to the frightening scene in front of her.

Because she came across a pile of dead bodies. She could tell by seeing once that this happened when she was unconscious.

She became scared a little seeing so many corpses piled up together in one place. She immediately began running so that she doesn't get into any trouble. If she was accused of killing so many people, then she will be captured, tortured, and then executed by the rangers.


Joe watched the girl's every move from the shadows. After she left, he was about to torch the corpses. But he heard a few heavy footsteps.

"What now?" Joe was feeling annoyed.

He quickly used his skills to hide.

He saw a group of patrolling rangers passing by the alleyway.

"Shit!" Joe immediately knew he had to run.


A blaring sound rang out from the passing Rangers team. Hearing the sound the rangers became alert and they entered the alleyway. It took them less than a minute to find the piles of dead bodies.

"Quickly search the area." The leader of this small patrol team issues an order quickly.

"Who is this new murderer? How did he kill so many people? " The leader spoke. He felt very shocked by this brutal killing.

"Sir, I think they fought among themselves." said another ranger.

"Who told you to use your useless brain? can't you see they died from the same kind of gun wound? It must be the work of the same person."

"Sir, huff! huff! we cannot find anyone suspicious." the rangers returned fast with bad news.


There was no reply to their news from another side, turning the atmosphere stiff.

"I was afraid that it would be so but still hoped for something. Anyways we have to report this to sergeant." he sighed as he spoke. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Mike enter the alleyway.

Mike was surprised that the rangers had already found the corpses. He now regrets that he came here. But Mike did not show his feelings on his face.

"Hey! Stop right there." one of the rangers yelled. Mike stopped and pointed toward the pile of corpses.

"I know these people. They work with me." Mike told them his association with the dead bodies truthfully.

"let him come" The Ranger leader gave permission to come closer. But his expression wasn't friendly at all. He looked like he wanted to chew on Mike.

Mike pretended to be nervous and afraid a little. However his eyes had a confident glint. Mike walked in front of the Ranger leader.

"How do you know that they are here?" As soon as Mike arrived, the leader looking Ranger asked him that.