Suspicious Conversation

Mike knew that they were suspicious of him at the moment. But he wasn't intimidated really.

He answered them saying that his friends were ambushed by a single sniper. One of them got lucky and escaped from there and contacted him.

"Where were you when they were ambushed?"

"I was in our base."


"yes, we are a small mercenary group. They are all my friends."

"Oh! So you are a mercenary. I hope your group has no bounty placed on you, right?" he asked as he frowned.

"If I had a bounty on me, I would never be standing in front of you like this." Mike said resolutely.

"Is that right?" he signaled another Ranger with his eye. That Ranger took out a mini device that scanned Mike. Then the ranger gave an all-clear signal with his eyes. Only then did the group let their guards down a bit.

"Where is your base? What are you doing here now? What do you know? Tell us everything."The leader asked him all the questions in a single breath.

Mike felt flabbergasted by his speed of questions. Still, he is a cunning person, at least he thinks so. So he decided to calmly answer them and lie through his teeth.

"I don't know much just what my injured comrade said. I came here immediately after that comrade informed me what happened to them."

"So, what happened to them?" the patrol team leader asked.

Mike coughed a little and began telling them what happened. He told them everything about the killings truthfully but didn't mention anything about the girl. Instead, he lied about why they were in the alley in the first place.

"So, that's what happened. Your comrade really couldn't identify the killer?" he had an expression that said he didn't believe him completely.

Mike felt a bit irritated. The patrol team leader is discerning enough to pick up his feelings of irritation.

"Were you not listening to me at all? it wasn't a fight. it was a one-sided massacre. he was barely able to save his life and escape." Mike aggressively said.

"Fine, I will believe you but we have to meet your comrade for more information. Where is he?"

This is unexpectedly troublesome, though it has gone smoothly until now…

Mike thought for a while whether he should tell him the truth. But he didn't want to take them into his secret base.

"You can talk to him after he treats his injury. I will tell him to go and meet you guys in your base." Mike replied.

The patrol team leader nodded his head in agreement. He then asked some more questions.

"Alright, you can leave now."

Mike left the place quickly.

"Damn it, the Rangers are involved now. I wanted to take care of the matter quietly." He muttered slowly. He looked very anxious and no one could guess what he was thinking.


The patrol team leader who asked Mike questions didn't feel safe letting him go. He felt that Mike was hiding something. So he didn't waste any time and gave an order to his subordinate to follow Mike secretly.

"Alright, collect the bodies and send them to the forensics unit so that they can prepare a report. I will go and inform the sergeant about this matter." The team leader said. He quickly ran to report this matter to the sergeant. He knew there were many dangerous people in the town currently.

With so many players here it has been hard to keep track of everything.


"Who is it?"

Bryan asked after listening to his door knock.

The other party was quiet for two seconds before a slightly sharp voice replied, "It's me, Dr Doom, Victor von Doom."

Victor von Doom… When Bryan heard this name, he immediately thought of the owner of this name. He is the researcher in charge of the team who is responsible for developing a cure for him. He was a rude, intelligent, hands-on man. But perhaps, only such a man could make a miracle happen.

"Okay, come inside!" Bryan responded loudly.

Victor walked in the room with his narcissistic smile. He looked at Bryan and sat in the chair beside his bed.

"Bryan, how are you feeling?" Victor asked nonchalantly. He showed no pity for the dying man.

"Waiting for death, i guess?" Bryan replied. Bryan knew that Victor wasn't a trustworthy person. His father already warned him about that but there is no denying that he is a capable person in his field.

"well, when you are gonna die anyway why wait for it? just die already." Victor said.

"aren't you a doctor? should you be encouraging me to die so blatantly?" Bryan asked with a very surprised expression on his face. His expression really says that he was very surprised.

"hmm... Technically my job is to find a cure for your disease but it doesn't mean i have to be cheerful about it. Your situation is dire and there is no need for me to mince my words. If you are lucky, you will live. No, if i am lucky, you will live, hahaha." Victor laughed.

Bryan became angry hearing him laugh. He thought how dare he laughs at my plight. I should tell my father to kill him.

"why did you come here, doctor?" Bryan asked.

Victor stopped laughing and seriously said,"its time to get serious."

"what do you mean?"

"For two years, i and my team have studied you, your illness and tried various method. Unfortunately, none of it worked." Victor seemed a little troubled.

"Maybe you are not as much of a genius as you claim to be." Bryan remarked. Victor seemed unbothered by his remark. Whether it is because he is confident in his ability or because he doesn't care about it only he knows.

"You have no more than six months left to live. With normal procedures, i cannot cure you. But i have a way, i think?"

"You think? What way is that?" Bryan asked suspiciously. He knew whatever way Victor had come up with was not a good one.