
Bryan felt anxious when he heard Victor. He wasn't anxious because Victor's cure won't work. No, he is anxious because he's afraid that he will agree with Victor to go to any length to survive. Losing his humanity is not something he wants to trade for living more.

"Well, it's a highly risky experiment. You have to undergo genetic modification." Victor answered without fear.

When Bryan heard the words 'genetic modification' many scenarios instantly flashed through his mind. After all, this is a world where superpower exists. Turning people into monsters is very easy but the reverse is not as easy.

"So you are going to turn me into a monster." Bryan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, but it depends on your definition of what is a monster." Victor replied.

"A monster is a monster. There is no sugarcoating it." Bryan replied while shaking his head.

"You didn't answer my question but anyway I am busy so I will quickly explain"

"This cure that I am suggesting is a genetic modification of the human body's healing gene. I will try to swap some of the monster genes with your human gene. The monster genes that i am targeting are those that have strong healing capability. Suppose I swap them with your gene, that has been modified in the first place because of your disease. I think it will be fine. Of course, the process of making that a success is way more complicated than I can explain." Victor told all the information he thought should be enough to convince Bryan.

"After the procedure what will happen to me, will I be still human?" Bryan asked. Victor noticed that he was nervous and afraid that he would lose his humanity. He began to think how he should reply. His reply now could make or break the outcome.

'I don't know how he will react to my words. I must be careful.' 

"To be honest, I don't know. Maybe you won't live. Maybe you will. But whatever happens your desire is ultimately what matters. If you don't have the will to cling to your life and your humanity, the procedure will definitely be a failure. So whatever decision you take I hope you will not take them half-heartedly. After all, once you are dead, you are dead. There's no way to come back." Victor solemnly talked.

Bryan now wondered what path should he take.

"Victor, I have to think it over for some time. I will tell you my decision later." Bryan said.

"Fine, but there's not much time." Victor left saying that.

Bryan absent-mindedly sat there. He suddenly was filled with despair for some reason. The fear of death and the slight glimmer of hope tore his mind into pieces. The choices he had weren't good. But he couldn't just give up hope. He looked at the world outside his window.

Many people die every day in this town. Some are young, some are old. He is also going to die so it's not like it's an exception.

'No, they die not living every day in fear of death. I have to live every day fearing the day death will catch me. I want to live without being concerned about my death. My death should be normal like all others.'

Bryan deeply pondered over his choices that day. He finally took a decision.


Victor was in his office going through some research papers. He sighed as he read the documents.

"This data is still not enough. We cannot make the experiment work with much less data." Victor looked anxious as he said.

Victor fell into deep thought as he planned his next steps. He didn't care if Bryan agreed or not. He will carry out the experiment.

He only needs to suck the resources of the city lord for six more months. Then he will find another prey.

"Hmm... city lord is not that hard to manage. After all powerful people are most easy to corrupt cause they think everything should belong to them just because they are strong." Victor started to plan with a nefarious smile on his face.

"I should invite those two to take care of anything that happens."

Victor took out his phone and called somebody. He talked to them for ten minutes before disconnecting.

"Now at least the situation can be controlled by force." Victor had a confident smile as he began reviewing the documents once again.


It is almost sunset time. Maybe thirty minutes left till sunset. The sky is completely clear of any clouds and blue sky can be seen clearly.

In a house that is located in the cheapest part of this town, some people were moving quite a few heavy boxes. In one of the rooms in this house, two men discussed something with a lowered voice. They sat side by side on a couch and smoke cigars.

"Damn that fatty, We almost died of a heart attack because of him."

A man with a tall and lanky stature speaks with fury in his voice.

"good thing that he is ignorant of what is inside the boxes. But we should stop using him for a while." A man with a heavy mustache and bald head replied. He exuded the aura of an unmoveable mountain just by sitting there.

"After what he did not killing him would be his good luck." the man with a tall and lanky stature said.

"Don't be hotheaded. We are arms dealers, not killers. We should only move when our business is in danger." the man with a heavy mustache and bald head advised.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

A man in his forties wearing a butler uniform entered.

"Master Ricky, Master Noah, I have overseen the moving process. But there is a problem." the butler said with a respectful bow.

"What problem?" the one named Noah who is tall and lanky asked.

"Masters, it seems 2 boxes are missing from stock. Someone stole them." the butler replied.

The one named Ricky who is bald and has a mustache sighed and took a long puff of the cigar.

"Hmm.. such foolishness! Who will be so stupid?" Ricky said.

"Who dares! I want to kill the person with my own hands." Noah angrily said.

"Our products are secretly moved through the merchant without their knowledge. How did anyone know what is in the boxes?" Ricky wondered.

"Anyway, activate the tracker we placed inside. Let's see where they are hiding." Noah orders.