I Only Care About Victory


An enormous and monstrous being.

Coated completely by metallic, purple-colored scales that resembled immense shields.

It had large tentacles covered in such scales as well, spread all over its chest.

Its body resembled that of a turtle, but without the shell… although the very scales were so incredibly hard-looking and metallic in appearance it seemed that they were like a carapace to an extent…

It had over 10 heads, with long snake-like necks and gigantic jaws filled with razor-sharp teeth, flashing crimson eyes, and long purple tongues.

It had claws too, enormous front limbs with large claws that extended for several meters… it was a gigantic killing machine.

Its size… way above 50 meters, it dwarfed even the other hidden bosses I sheer size.

And its presence? Overwhelming like nothing else, it resembled to create a domain of its own where only this pressuring purple-colored energy it exuded could go in…