Such Arrogance!


The Boss Monster had been defeating in the most unexpected and anti-climactic way possible!

Noah didn't particularly care about "stakes" nor "exciting battles" at this point, he simply wanted to eliminate his enemies as swiftly and efficiently as possible.

What he wanted and excited him the most was victory!

If he were allowed to act scummy in battle, he would, gladly!

Noah smiled as he saw the great beast, the Poisonous Hydra Wyrm King fall into pieces over the poisonous lake, its entire body was torn apart, it was done for.

Noah, however, was not done with it yet!

He extended his claws towards it and began to use Bloodline Devour as he drank its entire blood.

The blood kept accumulating into a mass of crimson-red liquid, as he drank it entirely.

His body suddenly began to glow with bright purple colors, as his eyes flashed with an even deeper crimson-red color!