ONE HUNDRED TEN: The Emperor’s Last Mercy

"Shall we?" the emperor extended his hand toward Kel as Roland and his men finally came to a halt.

"Eh? Why?" Kel questioned, glancing around nervously.

"I promised you, right?" The emperor replied with a grin. "That you could be the one to kill him."

"You're going to kill him now?" Kel asked, her gaze drawn automatically to the rowdy group of Subterrans. 

They were clearly displeased to see their leader in such a state. Killing him now would only aggravate them and cause fighting to break out.

Is this what the emperor meant by 'benefit'? Driving the people of Subterra mad to the point of throwing their own lives away in vengeance of their leader? As much as Kel wanted nothing more than to see Soren's head rolling across the ground, she couldn't bring herself to believe that this was the best way to go about it.

"I'm not going to kill him now," The emperor responded, giving Kel a short-lived moment of relief before adding, "You are."