ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN: Crimes Against the Empire

No, let's trust the emperor. 

Kel shook her head, trying to stop her whirling thoughts as she took an unsteady step forward.

Trust the emperor.

Despite her attempts to push her doubts away, there was a single question she couldn't help but ask herself.

If her actions ended up being the catalyst that led directly to the slaughter of all the Subterran people… Could she live with herself?

With each step down toward the main floor, the heaviness hanging over her shoulders seemed to press harder. 

The path the emperor had used to lead them back to the main passage was the same route she'd taken with Alaia. She had sworn it was.

So how did they end up on a raised terrace with a perfect view of the main floor--so perfect that Kel could see exactly how many Subterrans were crowded in discontent, poised to charge at any minute?