The Françesca Twins

At the head of the table, Seri Baccarat sighed and clapped his hands to restore some order to the dining hall.

"Carry on, everyone.  The Prince is not at his best today, but we will not allow his childish behavior to ruin our celebratory meal for the Princess and her two noble escorts.  Carry on!" 

And with that, the violins and the mandolins started back up again.  The court dancers and musicians meandered throughout the hall, making their happy music and movements.  The beer and wine flowed and the  the party continued on far into the night and early morning. 

It was dawn by the time I vaguely remembered being taken to a soft flat area where I tumbled into sleep, ensconced amongst the pillows and coverlets. 

By the time the sun's rays burst through some foggy part of my brain and hit me square in the face, I had been knocked out of commission for at least a few solid hours.