Gabriel Baccarat, Royal Prince of the City of Avalon

At first, I was almost overwhelmed by the sheer size and immensity of the plethora of plant life that spread out, from corner to corner, blooming in bright and colorful profusion. 

I wandered around, lost in the colorful masses of greens, blues, pinks, yellows, and reds until I began to notice that the plants were arranged, not haphazardly, but rather with a certain amount of thought and care. 

The huge courtyard was a magnificent showcase of botanical assemblage. 

It was categorized according to the differing needs of the plants, with the shade loving, more moderate plants growing closer to the walls and protected spaces, and the hardier plants farther out where full sun was required. 

In areas where there were pockets of cooler or warmer microclimates, those plants that could handle the changes were assembled there.