Chloe Belladonna

"Chloe!" Papa breathed, his eyes looking tortured.  He was still very much affected by her presence.

"Your Majesty."  We all nodded our heads.

"That's Mother, to you," Chloe Belladonna smiled in my direction.  "I trust everyone had a good lunch."

"Yes.  Thank you—Mother" I said with some reservation.  I guess I should get used to calling her that.  The woman was my birth parent, no matter what else was the truth. 

Mother made her way towards me. 

Behind her, two Ladies-in-waiting were in attendance, each holding onto her things with a certain sense of reverence. 

I almost laughed at the thought of the Françesca twins doing the same thing for me, knowing how unlikely it was that something like that would be a normal part of my daily routine.