We're the Same Species!

"How are you doing?" he asked, and then engulfed me in his arms.  "Oh, sweet darling, we were so worried about you." 

I heard Corwin somewhere to my right side.  "Damn straight!  We were scared to death that they had hurt you in some way." 

Connor released me so that Corwin could have his turn to comfort me, and once again, I was embraced within a warm male body. 

Corwin quivered with anguish.  "Those were the two longest nights of my life."

I noticed that they took care to hold me with gentle arms, in deference to what looked like my fragile condition. 

In truth, I was probably in better condition than they were. 

My heart flipped, once I was able to properly inspect the twins. 

Corwin had a gash above his left eye and Connor was treating his ribs in a gentle manner.