Let Papa Deal with This

"It is most definitely not fair!  If I stay here for much longer, I'm going to miss my own wedding!"  I yelled.

"And that is precisely why you are here."  He tapped my nose with a gentle finger.

"I need more time to convince you that we belong together and I can't do that if you are going to be getting married within the week."

"But Gabriel.  I can't marry you.  I already have two husbands."

Gabriel shook his head.  "It's not over till it's over.  You have not been wedded yet and until that happens, I still have a chance."

"But I already belong to Corwin and Connor."

Gabriel laughed and shook his head.  "You don't belong to anyone yet.  You're still a virgin darling."

"How do you know that?"  I asked, although it was quite obvious.  It wouldn't take much mage magik to figure that out.

"This is a hospital.  While you were here, we gave you a thorough examination to make sure you were not suffering from any illnesses."