Blue Aura Demons

My eyes watered.  I was so tired even though I had just woken up. 

"How is that possible?" I stifled yet another yawn.  "I haven't done anything but lie here in this hospital bed for two days."

"Five," he responded.  "You've been in bed for five days.  You got really sick, a type of viral infection, and we had to constantly monitor you for the first three days because you were starting to dehydrate and go in and out of consciousness." 

The corners of his mouth turned downwards.  "It's only been within the last two days that you've been awake and aware of what's going on."

I frowned.  "How did I get sick so badly?"

He tapped my nose.  "You've never been out of Topaz City before.  Your immune system has not been as exposed as it should be to the rest of the world's germs. 

"But the good news is, you've almost recovered.  You just need to rest and regain your strength."