Demonic Wavelength

"You mean you didn't know?"

Connor shook his head.  "No.  We were just reacting to the fact that they were there in front of us.  We couldn't take the chance of you getting hurt, so we took them out." 

I narrowed my eyes, trying to recall the moment.  It had happened so fast I could barely recall. 

"Well, I saw the blueish glow around them, and then the two of you round-housed both of them and kicked their heads in." 

I looked up.  "You also did some crazy wall-melting magik with the other group of demons.  Do you remember them?"

Corwin and Connor nodded.

"Wall-melting?"  Papa's eyes widened.

"Yes.  Corwin did some strange magik and their bodies became part of the walls and floors." 

Papa rubbed the back of his neck.  "Could it be something similar to the Philadelphia Experiment…"  His eyes turned glassy as he muttered something incomprehensible.