Demonology 101

"So, Connor and Corwin," Papa said after Gabriel and Simon had finished sharing what they had been able to glean about creating new spells. 

"Tell us what you boys know about demons."

Connor cleared his throat,  "OK, I'm not sure where to start."

Papa spoke up.  "You're a Wizard and this is your specialized field.  Start with the methodology of seeking and calling up a demon from the other dimension."

Connor nodded.  "Alright.  So—you know how you've been told all these years about wizards drawing circles and pentagrams on the floor to contain the demon so that it doesn't escape and roam around our dimension?" 

I nodded. 

Connor continued.  "Well, that's what wizards do if they're kinda new at it.  There are better methods, albeit they are more dangerous."