Public Retraction

Beside them, Connor and the Françesca twins gave me concerned glances, but they said nothing, maintaining our veil of composure and control. 

I was amazed at their coolness and well-bred demeanor.  I could do no less. 

I froze my face into a mask of calm indifference, desperate to hide the growing nausea and chills which were wracking my body and shaking me so hard I could barely stand. 

At this point, I no longer cared about sweaty palms.  I just wanted to remain standing. 

"I'm fine.  Really I am," I tried to reassure the men but nobody was buying my lies. 

I didn't feel fine.  In fact, I felt sick as a dog. 

I had been bedridden for almost two weeks, and the combination of the heat, stress, and noise, was causing my body to relapse.